Riley Burnham enterprises

blog: money & faith

holla holla dolla bill y'all

er, encountering poverty [upside down financially]

oops(!) [getting that out of the way]

debt is a problem, rather than virtuous

it's easy to slip in, "it's just..." & carry on

​​​​​​​then the weight -- the heft of it

we get our daily bread [we really do]

God provides; especially to those w/ faith & who can see it

it's helpful to think of money as a means rather than an ends

the only value is in giving it away

​​​​​​​so w/ this in mind, it's better to be frugal, careful w/ money, & to avoid debt [seriously], & to enjoy the provisions in simplicity & w/ humility

God does provide good lives for us, & usually it's our own 'getting in the way' that causes our impulsivity

it seems most of our 'problems' are lessons, as we're out of balance & being shown the way back

​​​​​​​the right path