Riley Burnham enterprises

blog: words projected to the future

*clears throat*


*breathes in*

english, hello

to the world, still going

reading this; active; alive (good for you; take it in)

we have a name for this time

2022 by some Gregorian calendar (relative); works for us

we can still measure in rotations of the earth around the sun (years)

i’ve been around 37 times so far (flyin’!)

i’m from a state & country that consider themselves free (we say we’re free)

i’ve become more & more suspect & critical (& flippant) of agencies posing as “government” controlling/running our lives [call it negatively impacting]; therefore it becomes competition

one can have principles about space & boundaries; then be prepared/willing to stand for them (or cede ground, clearly); one has to choose battles

being assertive helps

ideas manifested as speaking to the cosmos/eternity

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