Riley Burnham enterprises

blog: words to my would-be children

dear little loves,

smile as the world around you revolves,
its glory & awesomeness to behold --
to connect w/

a spirit taking the form of a body, as part of a greater universe unfolding & witnessing its own glory -- near infinity

there are people looking to exterminate the masses of society

it's grim, yes

their tricks & planning have foibled us, & for the time being, they have the 
upperhand, as billions of people try to figure out a strategy to eliminate the evil & get on w/ their lives

times are desperate, & it's evident that weapons are coming down the chute against us, & many will likely be destroyed before Goodness regains its footing -- whatever the lesson

humans can love & share, & our artistry & mastery is transcendent

i hope, if you have willing eyes to read this, the Holocausters are stricken back & their evil plans stopped

much could be lost

sometimes we put our hands into the air in surrender, asking for deliverance & righteousness to carry us past pain, misery, & anguish

we do this now

​​​​​​​the sword of truth blinds darkness
