Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"A Place of My Own" by Michael Pollan

"101 Things I Learned in Architecture School" by Matthew Frederick

book review by Riley Burnham 8/25/2023

very good(!!) highly recommendable hardback copy

on the subject, the hardback copy of this book is a piece of elegant design in itself, w/ a thick cardboard 'block' attached to the front & rear to allow flat-lying [works good]; very nice

the content is useful, interesting, relevant, & includes adjacent drawings to elucidate the concepts

some of the stand-outs [for me] were 'How to draw a line,' which encourages anchor points & bold strokes, rather than timid, wishy-washy, suggestive lines; as well as the pointers on positive & negative spaces...

​​​​​​​every point in the book had relevancy, & this really does function as a primer into what a school likely teaches 👍