Riley Burnham enterprises

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"A Theology of Biblical Counseling" by Heath Lambert

"A Theology of Biblical Counseling" by Heath Lambert

book review by Riley Burnham 12/6/2022

really good stuff

this book is about, as the title suggests, counseling from a biblical perspective; using the New Testament & gospel of Jesus Christ

​​​​​​​read by the author, this brought up some great points: that secular counselors will almost certainly struggle to answer or guide folks who are suffering from sin

this advises to consult the Bible for nearly all qualms, as the answers are there [covering nearly all conceivable problems]

it's a refreshing take: sin is causing us anguish; misery; & wrecking us -- repentance [personal; starting w/ self] illuminates a path to reconciliation -- harkening back to original sin [Adam] coming back around to Jesus taking our punishment so that we may be saved

so goes the teaching; the good word hehe