Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Becoming" by Michelle Obama

"Becoming" by Michelle Obama

book review by Riley Burnham 8/3/2022

well i enjoyed this one, quite a lot

my favorite moments are the stories of her meeting the queen of England; describing Buckingham Palace & the White House, & of course the introduction, meeting, & description of Barack & her (& fam)

great stories throughout -- especially of Michelle's family -- her dad, a hard-worker who refused to be "house poor," & her mother, who she clearly loved; & of course the brother, who tests Barack's mettle on the basketball court (he's got heart & can play ball)

i tuned out a bit near the end when the narrative focuses on gun-control & a lot of events i consider sincerely to be false-flags/hoaxery/political narrating -- so it goes, tho

her descriptions of Donald, her husband's presidential successor, are pretty crude & well-worn, & her lamentations that w/ the new administration brought back the whiteness so historically prevalent there... well... i'm "white," so basically 🀷‍♂️

​​​​​​​glad i read the book, & it gave me renewed & sincere appreciation for the Obamas & the excitement his presidency generated