Riley Burnham enterprises

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"Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill

"Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill

book review by Riley Burnham 4/7/2023

holy cow(!!!) er, holy something(!)

Holy Roman Empire(!) hahaha

this wonderful book elucidates excellently the complete overlap between the themes of "Wars of the Jews" & the New Testament; demonstrating effectively that the Jesus of the Bible is [multiple people actually] more or less Titus Flavius & his family, the emperors of Rome who were fighting against Jews; thus the "king of the Jews" is a sort of dark joke: it's Caesar, who was hardly worshipped or loved by the people he was taxing & slaughtering...

​​​​​​​oh goodness i liked this one; characters like Mary [who there's something like 6 different] & other members of Jesus's entourage are easily linkable when the two books [Wars of the Jews & the New Testament] are overlaid/compared side-by-side

​​​​​​​this truly destroys Christianity for me, which i'm fine w/, as an anti-Jewish, Ceasar-worshipping, deceptive trick for those in the know

hard to say much else: i'd recommend the book highly [audio version 👍👍👍] & can understand why Jews hate Jesus: he's a fill-in for the emperor that destroyed their cities & starved/murdered their people

lastly, he concludes w/ the Jesus of Revelation, showing that it's [of course] Titus's younger brother; his successor
