Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch

"Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch

book review by Riley Burnham 7/13/2023

short & sweet(!)

David narrates & reflects on transcendental meditation, films & art, life in general...

he advocates on folks expanding/deepening their conscience via [any methods really, although he prefers] TM, which he explains his foray into & subsequent decades of practice

he says that the biggest fish are there the deeper you go [& more interesting of course], which is the reference in the title [going deep]

he talks about how he recommends films should be watched & thoughts on, for instance, director commentary [he prefers the movie to be watched & taken in as its own art, rather than being "changed" by a director talking over it, which is fair]

really sound stuff; excellent(!); wise; insightful... 👍

oh, he also points out that the industry is definitely moving toward digital, & w/ the higher definition comes other issues like props/set-pieces being "wrong" or off... more care required then