Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Desert Solitaire" by Edward Abbey

"Desert Solitaire" by Edward Abbey

book review by Riley Burnham 9/7/2022

well this [audio]book was great

written in the 60s, it describes itself as a eulogy -- a tombstone for what was already then a fast-changing infringement on wild nature by industrious man [& roads, etc.]

he puts some great recommendations for maintaining the splendor [things like bicycles & horseback rather than cars], although it is evident that it's already too late

there's practical advice for water & sun control while in these terrains -- for instance bug-free/plant-free water is likely poisonous

also included is quicksand stories & advice [summary: it's less likely you'll drown & more likely you'll starve if stuck]

in the book are a handful of interesting & thought-provoking tales, & ultimately a taste of something that's slipping away from most Americans [this appreciation & immersion in nature -- here being the Moab Desert in Utah]

highly recommend this