Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Eat a Peach" by David Chang

"Eat a Peach" by David Chang

book review by Riley Burnham 4/1/2024

pretty good(!)

a memoir focused around being a chef -- touching on themes from parental methodology [like, ___ fucked me up, etc.] to attitudes & expectations in the industry

David reveals his near-suicidal condition which led him to attending culinary school -- of which he recommends against [in favor of more general pursuits] to others... huh

ultimately, he's saying that to be successful in this business, one can expect to dedicate themselves -- their time, missing family & events, & to some degree their health...

he points out how rare it is for people to retire from cooking/restaurant ownership

so a conclusion for me: this is hard, & one should pursue it full-bore or go do something else