Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Flat Earth FAQ" by Eric Dubay

"Flat Earth FAQ" by Eric Dubay

book review by Riley Burnham 5/2/2023

really good stuff

this is a sorta quick-guide to overlaying themes of flat-Earth cosmology, which Eric is the modern popularizer/forbearer of -- very professionally & articulately, as well as organized & original; candid; etc.

this is a color, large-format paperback which looks great -- people asked me about it; which i had "Zetetic Astronomy" nearby to support w/, hehehe [1800s book, which Eric rediscovered more or less -- pivotal, excellent]

i was happy reading it; he has several books; of varying 'complexity' we'll say [i started w/ "Flatlantis" 👍👍👍]; so for deeper dives there can be found others -- this one's a primer/coffee-table book 👍👍 attention-bringer/rejoiner hehe

right on(!!)

OH, i did see the Kola Superdeep Borehole pictures in the book(s), & think the real hole is like 1.5 ft. diameter vs the probable mining operation shown which is like 1000 ft across

mostly a nitpick(!!) the point is the depth dug compared w/ what's claimed as "known," etc.

i'm to the 'certain' phase of flat-Earther