Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

"Germany Must Perish" by Theodore N . Kaufman

"Germany Must Perish" by Theodore N. Kaufman

book review by Riley Burnham 9/22/2022

holy cowabunga

this one is intense: (written in 1941) concluding in the clear-eyed call for the sterilization of Germanism [he estimates 70,000,000 people], done w/ 20,000 agents* & taking 1 month for men [figuring there are populaces that can be excluded] & ~3 years for women [equal populations; same equations, some can be excluded]

it's pitched as humane & credible

it's also laid out that Germany lacks any values/merit & thus can be extinguished & moved on easily from [he compares to N. Americans] -- as an agenda

it's kind of this-or-that -- he clearly admits "Germanism" will take over the universe* if allowed to grow on its own

at the end there's a map drawn w/ apportionment post-Germany [jugoslavia is on there 👍]

it's a sincere call for the extermination of a people [including the innocent; calculated in number], for crimes they'd committed [he cites Poland & a few others] -- there's a strange undercurrent of "i think he's lying/being insincere/or is just vengeful/spiteful" running through it/me -- right or wrong; pick your side [Judaism is 1] vs Germanism (basically)/other; he calls it paganism; as a threat; almost/even if even in taste/intellect ["*ugh*" basically]

one must be able to consider it all; as academic [make what you will] -- this is a confrontation for sure

* addendum *

it also says those who can repay fiscally their share are able to be excluded 👍👍