Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Lords of Finance" by Liaquat Ahamed

"Lords of Finance" by Liaquat Ahamed

book review by Riley Burnham 10/1/2023

well this was good, although a slog(!)

just in its detail: the breadth(!) lots to learn 🧠

we learn, in essence, that the Financial Controllers run the show -- from Depressions to War -- they influence or lead [or heavily challenge...] Presidents & leadership, & revolve w/ the big show families in the Peerage

we learn about causes & effects of certain measures, worldwide, from 1930s Germany & USA, Europe; the loss or deterring from Gold Standard; other proposed solutions [Scrip currency, etc.]; Silver; & eventually the routes respective counties opted for -- vying w/ the messes caused by the Financiers(!)

there's a notion that assumes those allotted big wealth & power are entrusted w/ such by Greater Powers [IE God] & are stewards to the masses, for the betterment of humanity [i learned about this reading White Magic books] -- this could be the case(!)