Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism" by Manly P. Hall

"Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism" by Manly P. Hall

book review by Riley Burnham 7/16/2023

this one was extraordinary(!)

originally published in 1929 [reprinted in 2014] or so, this gives us a KEEN view into what is logically a cohesive system of thought: the esoteric, divine-based philosophy

i became a white mage by the end of this read, which is to say i chose the path & see the error/fault in the other ["Black Magic" as it is called -- false doctrine; short-sighted; limited; forceful; evil...] i'd rather love hehe

so yea, i HIGHLY recommend this read, & w/ a careful eye on what you're learning, as it's deep & complex & also precise, such as is the definitions of words like Satan/Saturn, Lucifer, demon, Devil, etc.