Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Men and Women in the Church" by Kevin DeYoung

"Men and Women in the Church" by Kevin DeYoung

book review by Riley Burnham 12/7/2023

huuuhhhh... intersting(!)

this gives an overview of the concept of divinely-given/inspired roles for men & women respectively, such as scriptural ordainments on preaching [for women], which he gets into the details/weeds on [narrowing it down to apostolic oral tradition, or something of the like], while allowing & honoring the myriad of other teaching/preaching forms open & welcome to both/all

​​​​​​​it also gets into the ideas of shameful or disgusting behaviors based around expressing the wrong [given] gender, like men pretending to be women & vice versa

​​​​​​​it's an extremely short & succinct book, & i guess is worth contemplating... ✌️