Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Mysteries of the Middle Ages" by Thomas Cahill

"Mysteries of the Middle Ages" by Thomas Cahill

book review by Riley Burnham 2/23/2024

good stuff(!)

a smattering of history from the medieval era, here we get popes, artists, writers, & other prominent figures

we hear of [my favorite portion] Dante Alighieri, & his massive contributions; of St. Thomas Aquinas w/ his tome of referential material to draw upon; even of Ptolemy & some of those early texts & thinkers

students of history will find familiar themes here, altho laid out & focused in a way that is fresh & good πŸ‘

​​​​​​​the end he even suggests semi-revolutionary themes of action to wither the maleficent power of the Roman Church [that is, the hands clutching the purse & officials condoning buggery, etc.] by returning to election-based systems & such