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"Natural Causes" by Barbara Ehrenreich

"Natural Causes" by Barbara Ehrenreich

book review by Riley Burnham 9/20/2022

great stuff -- an exploration of the realities & concepts surrounding death, aging, etc.

Barbara starts off acknowledging that she's become the "age where people just die [of natural causes]," which is the kickoff for her story

this book explores cellular & biological functions like apoptosis, menstruation, monophages, & their respective utilities

i loved the portion where she describes how degrading, violatory, backwards, & dangerous the common medical system is/can be [consider a colonoscopy], which also relates to overdiagnoses, overtreating, etc. -- considering the devastations from the fraudulent vaccine industry, i can agree to this wholeheartedly

the book concludes more or less w/ the notion that life just continues going -- the blackbirds keep singing, etc.

she discusses religious & theological concepts like the soul, & comes away w/ a sort of conversation about the failures in attempts to Prove a soul exists using science [weight-measurements, etc.], & seemingly is less-reliant on these stories