Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Open" by Andre Agassi

"Open" by Andre Agassi

book review by Riley Burnham 8/18/2023

well... a few directions on this one: the beginning is EXCELLENT; the middle section a total slog [the words "whiney bitch" kept coming to mind, as complaint after complaint.....]

thankfully the end is good & graceful & it was worth sticking through it [admittedly i cranked the speed up for the last few hours to get through it]

we hear of Andre's career from his perspective, complete w/ childhood to marriage, divorce, marriage, parenting, opening a prep-school, & probably the best: finding actual JOY in the game playing against his also-retired & also-"legendary" wife S. Graff

i appreciate how candid & honestly self-deprecating he was: probably a lot of self-loathing boiling in there: from hair issues [balding & wigs] to drug use, difficult father, elite competition...

it really makes me want to read P. Sampras's book hahaha