Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Sitting Pretty" by Rebekah Taussig audiobook

"Sitting Pretty" by Rebekah Taussig

book review by Riley Burnham 7/28/2022

audiobook 👌 for sure

i enjoyed this book

it was nice to gain perspective: disabilities, & the various experiences that go along w/ that

i see a mutual soul in there, for sure: the human experience, clearly; all done through a body w/ different abilities than most; along w/ connotative attitudes ashore [people are a bit naive, even self-blinded]

ramps help(!!!) & plenty of other advice tipperoonies [treating as helpless or frail; or worst & obviously as a pity-case for other people]

deep respect for sure, & good/solid writing

lessons are good

a word that comes to mind is vulnerable

when contemplating nature this seems to be the condition

​​​​​​​we love the living breath; beholding the sun; gorgeous light