Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Slobberknocker" by Jim Ross

"Slobberknocker" by Jim Ross

book review by Riley Burnham 7/12/2023

(!!!!) lol

extremely good book(!) such a joy to read/listen to...

inside baseball, er, rasslin'; in the best way(s)

Jim's narrative is masterful, humble, interesting...

so many people/characters i was familiar w/ fill this book... completely reawakening, at least in retrospect, my former total fondness w/ the sport of wrestling, especially during the late-80's to early 2000's

was sorta sad when it ended; although now i'll reach out to other similar books

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ all the way 

oh, his experience w/ Bell's Palsy was fascinating, as i got it, whatever it is, during the "Covid Pandemic™οΈ," which of course sucked royally -- thankfully it's improved

​​​​​​​he thinks it comes on due to unprocessed tragedy/sadness after his mom passes [which mine came on pretty soon after my dad passed, & we both had PLENTY of other issues simultaneously occurring]

could be sadness(!) hahaha