Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Call" by Os Guinness

"The Call" by Os Guinness

book review by Riley Burnham 1/26/2024

this was [really] good(!!)

kind of a shocker, honestly, it's a scholarly, thoughtful, on-point book written & narrated by Arthur Guinness's third great grandson

rock-solid, this gives us the point that to have a Calling, there must be a Caller -- this is a Christian work emphasizing the finer points of Christianity -- that is, to take up thy cross

some of my favorite portions regarded [famous quotes] expounding on Who we are in service to & thereby trying to please -- why care about the thoughts, opinions, & whims of others, when we are significantly trying to please/do the work of God [our calling]

he distinguishes between Calling as a Vocation vs Calling as Occupation, & so on...

highly recommended 👍👍👍