Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Call of the Wild and Free" by Ainsley Arment

"The Call of the Wild and Free" by Ainsley Arment

book review by Riley Burnham 12/12/2023

hmmm... it's good(!)

this is actually a great, modern, practical overview of homeschooling, by a mother who's been at it for 9+ years w/ her own family

we get the philosophical side, where & how kids excel & the way humans best learn [environment-wise], as well as arguments for & against the premise

the author quotes a LOT of 'Einstein,' which i take w/ a massive grain of salt [i consider him a thespian; maybe a fraud] -- like, it's as if, "eat your vegetables -- A. Einstein" 👍 lol

so other than the difference of CURRICULUM/education, i am totally onboard w/ homeschooling, & was before this reading -- having witnessed the lie-infested public schooling [hide under your desks, kids, lol......]

really good