Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Templars" by Dan James

"The Templars" by Dan Jones

book review by Riley Burnham 8/1/2022

whoa, this was a lot to take in [audiobook very good]

left w/ a ton of lingering questions & curiosities, & subtle doubts about total accuracy of narrative; although i admit i learned a ton

seems the Templars are intimately related to Jews, Christians, & Freemasons, although this could be a complete mis-reading on my part

considering Judaism to be mythology [& subsequently the followed Abrahamic religions], the Templars sound to be a band of warriors for the church [more or less] & are credited as being mythologized into King Arthur's tale

i'll need to keep researching this stuff because the mountain of concepts & data i just heard settled into my mind pretty disjointedly, & i'm prone to being wrong when recounting historical peoples & such

consider this a fair introduction to the Templars, w/ more questions i'm sure lurking to be discovered [the claim is that the group disbanded awhile back]

words like the Crusades come up in here, as well as G. Khan [his assumed name] & empires [Ottoman, etc.] vying for control