Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Winter World" by Bernd Heinrich

"Winter World" by Bernd Heinrich

book review by Riley Burnham 5/26/2023

really good stuff

Bernd's books are excellent narrations on naturalism, w/ keen insights & observations into flora & fauna -- the focus of this work being on winter seasons

the name of the game seems to be survival, as animals & plants have respectively unique ways of getting through the freeze

from hibernating bears to busy-busy birds; to adapted trees & of course migration -- we are given a huge overview, w/ Henrich's familiar methods & vigor

​​​​​​​i'm skeptical about viruses & their reality; having researched 'them' during & since the C19 plandemic, & can ultimately separate quibbles like those w/ the greater effort here, which is really good, & worthwhile 👍