Riley Burnham enterprises

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"Zetetic Astronomy" by Samuel Birley Rowbotham

"Zetetic Astronomy" by Samuel Birley Rowbotham

book review by Riley Burnham 6/5/2023

best book, more or less; this is a tome

my gosh, there's a clear break in my thinking pre-flat-Earth & post, all taking place within the last 9-10 months for me; inspired by this wonderful work, itself written originally in the 1840s & updated in the 1880s -- revitalized by E. Dubay & his excellent IFERS(!!)

Rowbotham here DEMONSTRATES that Earth is, get this, a floating plane [w/ mountains & valleys, yes], resting on the oceans; under the turning sky & firmament, of which the celestial bodies roam their paths

this book destroys Newtonian astronomy, appropriately, as the farce it is, littered w/ lies & deceits -- this is HUGE stuff

the ending compiles dozens of reviews, written by attendees of the press, of the lectures Rowbotham gave using the pseudonym 'Parallax,' which are of high-praise

ultimately, this is a bar-setting standard for method & cosmology, putting the scriptures back in their place as 'sacred philosophy' which express the true nature, rather than globe-Earth lies