Riley Burnham enterprises

open-source ideas

game: pathblockers

tower-defense (strategy) game — digital/computer

similar to existing tower-defense strategy games (path w/ forward-moving objects/characters & preventing them from reaching goalpoint/end of path [“tower”] — w/ power-ups, evolving defenses, etc…)


this idea (differentiation/promotion):


“organic” objects in tower-defense (a la a block that literally obstructs path, which AI can creatively jump over, go around, break apart, etc [real, leveled physics])


helpful, mountainous

also things like guns on paths, though able to be manipulated by “invaders/attackers” [such as: tipping over objects, disabling/obstructing, etc. — this aspect probably related to each attacking character: so varies completely [maybe multiplely] by attacking invaders per-each object — example: a “robot” attacking would have a logical method for obstructing (or defending against) Defensive objects [such as a turret…])


fun of game:


tower-defense w/ strategy, w/ organically-evolving solutions/methods w/ up-to-date/fairly advanced AI physics driving the invasion forces, hehehe


that’s what i want, basically



0/∞ 2/19/2022